Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bad day honey!

Half past eight, you open an eye.
One look at the clock & you let out a cry.
"Eye yo,late again", you stumble out of bed,
trip-down, crash; you got a bump on the head.

You rush 'bout the place; splash water on your face,
an hour and a bath later- ready for daily rat race.
Breakfast forgotten, you rush to the car.
Keys forgotten,you rush back-nothing good so far!

Hum a tune and you turn the first right,
it turns a whistle as you're stopped by red light.
You start again and dare a quick look at the watch.
"brilliant!" you think as your boss screams in your head; top notch.

Half an hour later,post a bad rendezvous
with the boss, your smile turns goofy; 'is this deja-vu?'.
Yet you keep up hope, "bad days aren't rare",
you get on with work with a small prayer.

As the day crawls by & things get in order;
you run around the place with better things to bother.
Things seem to be fine; of what's to come you have no hunch.
You order chicken and get broccoli for lunch!

And so starts again the next cycle of agony,
still you keep smiling, 'it's just a bad day honey!'


Wandering Minstrel said...

sheer brilliance!!!
remember we used to sing..daniel powter's "bad day" to cheer each other up!!!

god!! i'm gonna miss you sooooooo much :(

love ya :)

Wandering Minstrel said...

o n thanks a ton for the comment on moi poem!! :)

DMulan said...

thanks babe :) although i did think it sounded a bit amateur.. but if u like it.. then yay!! :D
and your poem was really good :)