Thursday, July 5, 2012

Accidental Adventurist

Friend 1: She has gone rock climbing, river rafting, bungee jumping. Divya, what have YOU done?

Thought bubble over my head:
- Chased by a giant, one-eyed, thawb clad Arabian guy? Check.
- Been yelled at by a drunk cross dresser for no apparent reason and then almost been thrown a stone at by him.. err.. her. Check.
- Been approached by a random stranger with a cheesy, worn out old line- you look like my long lost girlfriend, are you her sister/cousin/relative/ghost? Check. Seriously,in THIS decade, check!
- Tumbled down a foot-over-bridge in a crowded railway station and then stopping only because the cause of halt was my leg ramming into an old man's ass and then yelled at in a language I don't understand. Check.

I don't have to DO anything. Weird things just happen to me.

Update on 20th Sept:

You know how some people are just born with a lightning bolt hanging over their heads? No? Well, welcome to my world.

I fell.. AGAIN. No big surprise I know. I mean, what do you expect from someone who just has to take up any dare thrown her way and just HAS to prove to the world that she is stupid enough to run up an escalator that comes down? 
I had to convince my doctor that I am indeed doing my MBA and contrary to popular opinion, such dumbness is a common trait everywhere. 

So this year's fall is over and I managed to not get myself too hurt this time. A few stitches on the knee, a limp in my walk and I'm good for now. Except that everyone knows how I fell and well, it doesn't take much to get me embarrassed in public now. Someone even  suggested that I be tied up, lest I should climb up and fall from a tree next. Sigh. 


Jack said...


I am so glad to see you back after more than a year. So that was the reason of your absence, enjoying such adventures. LOL. Hope to see you regularly now.

Take care

DMulan said...

Thank you Jack :)
The past year has been busy and happening. Lots of changes!

And I'm hoping to post more regularly too :)

Madhusha said...

hahahhahahahahha.....really cute post! Someone sent me a link to your blog and I'm glad I chanced upon this.

DMulan said...

Thank you so much Madhusha!
It's encouraging to know that I still have a few visitors :P

Anonymous said...

Running up an escalator the wrong way??
Sounds interesting!! Its gonna go in to my 'to-do' list for sure. i'm gonna take a video of it and show it to you, you know 'how-to-do-eet-like-a pro'!!

I hope for a speedy recovery paving the way for some more adventure on YOUR part!!I'll just try and IMAGINE the pain thereafter!!

Ciao!! :p

Unknown said...


Glad to know you are doing well now...(all most fell outa chair, laughing)
We hope you will be all right soon and resume your next dare/adventure...(we wil beak your right hand, as promised :P)

On a serious note, very well written!